Terms of Service

The Terms of Service contained herein constitute a legal contract between users/visitors of www.thelcrp.net and the services provided through the website.

You acknowledge you have read, understood and agreed to these terms by accessing the website or its services. Our privacy policy is comprehended within these terms. Refrain from accessing the website if you don’t agree to be bound by its terms and privacy policy. Using the website at the behest of a company/organization warrants that you (a) are an official representative/agent authorized to bind that company to these terms and (b) agree to these terms on behalf of that company.

1. Amendments to the Terms of Service

The Terms of Service may be amended from time to time. Prior notice to any amendments will posted visibly on the website at least 30 days before they take effect. Continued use of the website after amendments have taken effect indicates your agreement to the amendment terms of service. Refrain from accessing the website if you don’t agree with the amended terms of service.

2. Disclaimer

The website presents information on gambling websites and gambling in general. This information may include gambling sites reviews, betting odds, and content that could be construed as advice. This information is purely for entertainment purposes and is not to be relied on when placing any kind of bet.

Visiting the site indicates confirmation that you will not rely on the information therein to place a bet on the result of a sporting activity. You furthermore acknowledge that gambling on the result of an activity beyond your control may be against the laws in your jurisdiction. You additionally acknowledge that gambling may result in the loss of some or all of your monies wagered. You agree that the website and its directors, offices, employees, contractors, affiliated companies, or suppliers are not liable in any manner by the losses in which you may incur as a consequence of gambling.

3. Obligations of the visitors

Visiting the website signals your agreements that you will not do the following:

  • Using the website or services or materials provided therein in connection with a commercial purpose
  • Copying, modifying, republishing or otherwise infringing on the intellectual property rights associated with the materials or services provided by the website
  • Participating in a class action or trial against the website in any jurisdiction
  • Interfering or attempting to interfere with the proper working of the website or any activities conducted on the website, including any activity that imposes or may impose a disproportionate or unreasonably large load on the infrastructure of the website
  • Disclosing any data about the website to a third party
  • Harvesting or collecting any data or information or information regarding the website or use any robot/spider/scraper/automated means of accessing the website for any purpose without the express written permission of the website provider
  • Reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling or otherwise attempting to discover the source code of the website
  • Taking any action that would damage, harm, or diminish the website’s reputation or public image
  • Using the website to upload any content to the website that
  • is ostensibly unlawful, threatening, harmful, abusive, tortious, defamatory, hateful, obscene, offensive, or otherwise objectionable
  • is designed to interfere with the website or any services
  • could infect the website with a virus or other programs designed to impair the functionality of any computer software or hardware
  • could prompt legal liability or violate an applicable law.

You also agree to read Our Responsible Gambling Policy and avail yourself of the help offered therein should you believe you have a gambling addiction.

4. Third-party content

The website may feature links to third-party websites, services, products, or content. The website provider does not own, control or license any such Third-Party Content. The website provider makes no endorsements, representations, guarantees, or warranties related that third-party content. You click on any link posted on the website at your own risk. You agree that the website provider shall not be liable for any harm or loss you may incur as a result.

5. Third-party gambling sites

The website may make reference to, feature advertising for, or provide links to third-party websites which provide online gambling services. These Third-Party Links are only directed at and intended for residents of jurisdictions where the use of the advertised services is lawful. Accessing such Gambling Sites through the website immediately grants your acknowledgement and agreement that:

You have ensured that Your access of the Gambling Sites is lawful in your jurisdiction

You have agreed to meet any requirements imposed by the Gambling Sites for their use

You will not use the Information (as defined in section 2 of these Terms of Service) to place a bet on the result of any events.

6. Age of Majority

The website is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18. The materials and services provided on the website are not directed at individuals under the age of 18. Using the website warrants that you are above the age of 18 as well as the age of majority in your jurisdiction. Refrain from using the website if you are under the age of 18 or the age of majority in your jurisdiction.

7. Indemnity

You are old enough to legally use the services of the Betting Websites

By accessing the website and using its services, you agree that you will indemnify and hold the website (as well as its affiliated companies, directors, officers, agents, and employees) harmless from all claims, including without limitation legal costs and lawyers’ fe